2. Methods

2.1 Equipment
Beakers (4x 250ml, 2x 500ml)
Tap water (400ml)
Latex gloves (1 box)
Glass rods (x2)
Zinc sulfate in powder form
Neodymium bar magnets (x4)
Magnetic field sensor (x2)
Weighing scale (x1)
Metal spoons (x2)
Nail polish (x1 bottle)
Hot plate (x1)
Portable Bunsen burner (x1)

2.2 Diagram

Figure 3

2.3 Procedures
  1. Set up the experiment as shown in Fig. 3.
  2. Pour 157.7 grams of zinc sulfate into a beaker containing 100 ml of distilled water and dissolve it using a glass rod. This amount is the maximum solubility of zinc sulfate in water based on the research we did.
  3. To ensure that the concentration of zinc sulfate is saturated, heat the beaker using a hot plate so that the researched amount of zinc sulfate can be dissolved.
  4. Place one beaker on top of the neodymium magnets at one side.
  5. Place the other beaker far away from the first beaker. Make sure the magnetic field is 0.
  6. Wait for a period of 6 days without disturbing the two beakers. However, make sure to observe the solution every day to check on the growth of the crystals.
  7. After 6 days, measure the mass of the beaker first. After which, measure the mass of the beakers containing the crystals also. Subtract the mass of the beaker from the total mass.
  8. Record down the mass of the crystals and the differences in the size and the structure of the crystals in the control and the crystals in the solution with magnetic field.
  9. Paint the crystals with transparent nail polish to ensure that the crystals do not dissolve.
  10.  Repeat the experiment.

2.4 Risk Assessment and Management
Zinc sulfate may severely irritate and burn the skin and eyes and can cause irritation to the nose and throat when inhaled. Exposure to it can cause headaches, nausea, dizziness and vomiting. Thus, to counter this, gloves and goggles will be worn at all times when handling the zinc sulfate.

2.5 Data Analysis
  1. Tabulate the data and calculate the average mass of the grown crystals for each setup.
  2. Compare and create a table on the average mass of the grown crystals in both setups: the one with the magnetic field and the control.
  3. Plot a bar graph showing the mass of the crystals in the first experiment, the repeat of the experiment and the average.
  4. From the table and graph, it can be found out if the presence of the magnetic field affects the growth of zinc sulfate crystals.
  5. Thus, it can be estimated how much the presence of a magnetic field affects the growth of zinc sulfate crystals.

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